What Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents?

Based on data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were over 5 million car accidents across the United States in a recent year. Further, the NHTSA estimates that 42,795 people lost their lives in motor vehicle collisions in 2022. These two statistics alone demonstrate that crashes are a serious concern throughout the country.
Although car accidents can happen for countless reasons, some causes are more common than others. Unfortunately, a substantial number of crashes each year are preventable. As a result, understanding the major causes of motor vehicle accidents can help you and your loved ones stay safe while on the road.
Continue reading to learn about the causes that are especially prevalent, as well as how a car accident attorney can help you after a crash.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving has been a longstanding problem, but the rise of smartphones and other electronics has exasperated the issue. There are three major types of distractions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- Visual distractions (which take your eyes off the road)
- Manual distractions (which take your hands off the wheel)
- Cognitive distractions (which take your attention off driving)
If you use a cell phone while driving, it can constitute all three types of distractions at once. Assuming you are traveling at 55 miles per hour, the CDC states that sending or reading a text message is like covering the length of a football field with your eyes closed.
Of course, electronic devices are only one potential source of distraction. Anything that takes your focus away from the road in front of you can increase your chances of getting into an accident. It’s important to make sure that you’re as present as possible when driving a motor vehicle.
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) maintains that driving under the influence of alcohol is the number one cause of death on U.S. roadways. Even though the legal driving limit for most states is a Blood Alcohol Concentration of 0.08 grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood (g/dL), research suggests that impairment begins far sooner than that.
It’s simply not worth it to drink and drive. Doing so not only puts yourself at a greatly increased risk of a collision, but potentially puts others in harm’s way as well. Getting arrested for a DUI can also come with its own set of consequences, including possibly landing in jail.
The easiest way to combat this issue is to plan ahead. If you’ll be leaving your home to consume alcohol, take public transportation, utilize a rideshare service, or designate a driver.
Poor Weather Conditions
A high number of car accidents are caused by unfavorable weather conditions as well. Depending on where you live, this could be due to snowy and icy roads, or high winds and torrential downpours.
Regardless, keeping a close eye on the weather before you drive your vehicle can go a long way toward preventing a car accident from occurring. If the forecast calls for unfavorable conditions, adjust your plans or make sure you take extra precautions before getting behind the wheel.
Aggressive Driving
Many types of behaviors can constitute aggressive driving. Taken together, the following actions comprise a substantial number of car accidents annually:
- Speeding
- Improper lane changes and turns
- Tailgating
- Running a red light or stop sign
- Cutting off another driver
Most forms of aggressive driving not only make a collision more likely, but they’re illegal. If you’re responsible for causing a crash because of running a red light, for instance, the injured victim may have an easier time establishing liability due to the legal principle called negligence per se.
Fatigued Driving
While this cause may not be as obvious as some of the others, fatigued driving is responsible for hundreds of thousands of crashes yearly – as noted by a study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. In addition, the NHTSA estimates that these crashes have an economic impact of $109 billion each year.
Being honest with yourself about how you are feeling is a good strategy for ensuring you don’t drive while drowsy or fatigued. As discussed in the drunk driving section above, planning ahead is also appropriate in this context. If you need to get somewhere and don’t feel safe to drive, it’s better to have someone else transport you.
An Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Can Help
Although understanding these major causes of car accidents can reduce your chances of being involved in a collision, crashes can still occur despite everyone’s best efforts. If you’ve been in a car accident that was caused by another driver, know that you may have legal options available to you for obtaining compensation.
Getting in touch with an experienced car accident lawyer is one of the best decisions you can make in this context, and most attorneys offer a free initial consultation to review your situation.