Richmond Heights Road Safety Overview

Richmond Heights Road Safety Overview

Safe driving is a crucial aspect of everyday life in cities and towns across the United States, and Richmond Heights, Missouri, is no exception. As this vibrant suburban community continues to grow, ensuring road safety becomes even more important. Understanding and following state traffic laws, staying alert, and practicing safe driving habits can help prevent car accidents and contribute to safer roadways. By staying aware of key traffic risks and taking proactive steps to reduce those risks, Richmond Heights residents can help make their roads safer for everyone.

Car Accidents in Richmond Heights, MO: Key Statistics

There were 788 reported traffic crashes in Richmond Heights in 2023, 18 more than in the same period in 2022. This suggests that the roads in Richmond Heights are becoming more treacherous, and such increases show no signs of slowing as the community’s population continues to grow.

Where Do Accidents Happen in Richmond Heights?

Although car accidents can happen to anyone anywhere at any time, there are certain places and times where they’re more likely to occur than others. Some of the roads where the most accidents occur in Richmond Heights include: 

  • Interstate 64
  • Hanley Rd.
  • Big Bend Blvd.
  • Clayton Rd. 

Being aware of these accident-prone areas and exercising caution when driving can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Drivers should remain vigilant, follow traffic laws, and practice defensive driving to ensure their safety and the safety of others on these busy roads.

When Do Accidents Happen in Richmond Heights?

The National Safety Council states that most accidents — both fatal and non-fatal — take place between 4 p.m. and 7:59 p.m., which is considered “rush hour” in most areas. In the spring and summer, however, fatal crashes most often occur between 8 p.m. and 11:59 p.m., indicative of the increased social activity in the warmer months.

Why Do Accidents Happen in Richmond Heights?

According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, some of the most common causes of accidents in Missouri include: 

  • Lack of Seat Belt Use: 63% of vehicle occupants killed in 2023 were not wearing a seat belt.
  • Distracted Driving: Contributed to more than 100 deaths in 2023, with over half of the victims being individuals other than the distracted driver.
  • Impaired Driving: Accounted for approximately 17% of fatalities in 2023.
  • Speed and Aggressive Driving: Remained the top concern, contributing to more than half of the total fatalities in 2023.

Addressing these issues through increased awareness, enforcement, and education can help reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on Missouri roadways. If you have been in an accident due to any of the above factors or more, contact a personal injury lawyer for help. 

How Richmond Heights Is Promoting Road Safety

The city of Richmond Heights is taking extra measures to protect area drivers as part of its Traffic Calming Program. Some of its initiatives include the following:

  • Limiting Vehicles That Don’t Belong on Local Roads: City authorities are taking extra precautions to prevent commercial vehicles from driving where they don’t belong
  • Encouraging Alternative Modes of Transportation: The city is encouraging residents to walk, ride bikes, and use other modes of transportation
  • Improving Intersections: Finally, city planners have committed to enhancing the community’s intersections in terms of both design and general safety

Best of all, Richmond Heights is doing all of this while taking concerted steps to preserve its historical charm and ensure that its traffic-calming measures are cost-effective, sustainable, and protective for all road users.

Stay Safe and Follow the Law in Richmond Heights

Accidents can be unavoidable, even in smaller cities like Richmond Heights. You can reduce your risk of being involved in a crash by following posted speed limits, wearing your seat belt, and eliminating distractions while you’re behind the wheel. With a little more effort on the part of local drivers, the roads in Richmond Heights stand to become significantly safer.

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