Most Dangerous Roads And Intersections In Las Vegas

If you visit Las Vegas, you may need Lady Luck on your side more than just to win big. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department reported a total of 19,526 traffic collisions in Las Vegas during 2023.
This was only a slight decrease from 2022, when 19,884 collisions occurred. This means that there are about 53 traffic wrecks that happen every day in Sin City.
Las Vegas Locations Where Most Accidents Occur
Your safety when driving on Las Vegas roadways and highways depends on more than just luck. A variety of factors play into your specific risk of being in an auto accident in Las Vegas, including:
- The time of day you are driving
- Your driving history and driving behaviors
- Road and traffic conditions
- Behaviors of other drivers
Where you drive in Las Vegas can also play a role in your risk of being involved in a crash. This is because some intersections and roadways experience greater numbers of accidents than others.
Last year, KLAS8 News, in conjunction with UNLV’s Road Equity Project, identified the following intersections as the most dangerous in Las Vegas:
Charleston And Rainbow
The intersection of these two roads — each with multiple lanes and a 45 45-mile-per-hour speed limit — sees many auto crashes and pedestrian collisions every year. Drivers regularly speed near this intersection, increasing the risk of serious and fatal accidents.
Sahara Avenue And Decatur Boulevard
Another intersection with multiple lanes of travel and a high volume of traffic, this intersection is dangerous in part due to the bus stops located near the intersection. Inattentive drivers can easily strike a pedestrian who is jaywalking or not looking for oncoming traffic.
Boulder Highway, Nellis, and Flamingo
This intersection is sometimes referred to as the “Trifecta of Doom” due to its design. Additionally, unaware pedestrians might not realize that the traffic signals are only long enough to reach the middle of the intersection, not all the way across. The Regional Transportation Commission’s Reimagine Boulder Highway project looks to improve the area.
Flamingo And Pecos
Motorists will find multiple through lanes traveling in each direction through this intersection, which also features bus stops and pedestrian traffic. In addition, Pecos-McLeod curves north of the intersection, which can hinder motorists’ visibility. Drivers who speed and operate their vehicles recklessly add to the risk of accidents.
Interstate 15 And Interstate 215 South Beltway
Unlike other intersections, this is technically an interchange where two highways come together. However, heavy traffic volume moving between highways has contributed to significant property damage only, injury, and fatal crashes since 2017.
Between 2016 and 2018, 28 fatal accidents occurred at Flamingo and Pecos, I-15 and I-215, and Boulder and Nellis combined.
2021’s Most Dangerous Intersections In Las Vegas
This list is slightly different from the list of dangerous intersections for 2021. That list included:
- Flamingo and Las Vegas Boulevard
- Flamingo and Maryland Parkway
- Nellis and Stewart
- Charleston and Rainbow
Sahara and Decatur made the list as one of the most dangerous intersections in 2022 and 2021.
Top Causes For Fatal Traffic Accidents In Las Vegas
No matter the location, several factors and behaviors can lead to fatal crashes in Las Vegas. The city saw 156 fatalities during 2023, a number that included:
- 58 people killed in DUI crashes
- 55 pedestrians
- 46 drivers and 14 passengers
- 41 motorcyclists, bicyclists, moped riders, and users of electric scooters
The top causes of these fatal wrecks are:
Pedestrian Errors
Forty-five fatality collisions occurred in 2023 because a pedestrian made a negligent mistake. This could include jaywalking, not being aware of their surroundings, or not realizing the amount of time they had available to cross the street.
In a busy city like Las Vegas, pedestrians should remain aware of their surroundings and motor vehicle traffic, especially at night.
Failure To Yield The Right Of Way
Right-of-way laws in Nevada inform motorists, pedestrians, and others who may proceed on their way before other traffic. For example, drivers making a left-hand turn must yield the right of way to oncoming traffic. Similarly, pedestrians in crosswalks have the right of way over other traffic. Individuals who failed to follow these rules contributed to 39 deaths.
Failing To Maintain Lane
Drivers who failed to maintain a single lane of traffic contributed to 39 deaths in Las Vegas in 2023. There are several reasons why a driver might struggle to stay in a single lane, including being impaired, drowsy, or distracted by something else. Other motorists and pedestrians who are not paying attention are ill-prepared to react when a car suddenly drifts from its lane.
Excessive speed was a factor in 16 fatal collisions in 2023. Some speed limits on Las Vegas roads can be 45 miles per hour, but that does not excuse drivers from traveling too fast for prevailing road conditions. If you are going through areas with heavy foot or vehicular traffic, you should adjust your speed accordingly and slow down.
Other Factors
Other driving behaviors and factors that contributed to crashes of all types in Las Vegas included:
- Inattentive driving
- Making an improper turn
- Following too closely
- Unsafe backing
Other non-listed driving behaviors contributed to 13 fatalities and 16 crashes.
Staying Safe On The Strip And Throughout Vegas
The five most dangerous intersections in Vegas are places with a high volume of traffic converging on a single location. Contributing factors like pedestrians crossing the street and high-speed limits add to the risk you and others face when you travel in these areas.
However, you can reduce your risk of injury or death by exercising vigilance. Drive slow and always remain alert for others. Follow all traffic laws, especially right-of-way laws, and be patient. You should never drive while impaired to any degree by alcohol. These simple precautions can help you and your passengers remain safe on Vegas roads. If you were injured in an accident, speak to a qualified personal injury lawyer in the Las Vegas area.