Charleston, SC Road Safety Overview

Charleston, SC Road Safety Overview

Charleston, South Carolina, is the state’s capital and largest city. There is much for residents and visitors to experience in the Holy City. However, using the city’s roads to get from one place to another exposes you to car wrecks that can leave you injured. There are ways to make any trip in or through Charleston safer, and they begin with understanding the risks you face.

How Many Car Accidents Happen In Charleston?

In 2022, the Charleston City Sheriff’s Office, Charleston Police Department, North Charleston Police Department, Charleston City Aviation Authority, and the College of Charleston’s Department of Public Safety investigated a combined total of approximately 12,500 traffic wrecks. Of these:

  • 43 resulted in the death of at least one person
  • 78 led to one or more people being seriously injured
  • 2,949 wrecks led to at least one person suffering some type of injury
  • 9,335 resulted in property damage to the vehicles involved but no injuries to any person

Crashes in the county were most likely to happen between 3:01 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and least likely to happen between 3:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. However, most of the county’s fatal wrecks occurred between 9:01 p.m. and midnight.

Accidents Involving Other Vulnerable Road Users

Car and truck drivers are not the only ones who use Charleston’s roads. Motorcyclists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and moped riders are also present on the county’s roads and can sustain injuries, too. In 2022:

  • 192 motorcyclists were involved in some type of crash, with nine being killed
  • 45 moped users were in a crash, and one moped user died
  • 136 bicyclists were struck or had some type of accident on the road, including three bicyclists who died
  • 17 pedestrians were killed in crashes, with another 129 being in an accident

The majority of individuals in each category suffered either no injuries or minor injuries.

Where Do Car Crashes Happen In Charleston?

Most accidents that happen in Charleston County occur on U.S. highways or state highways. The following roads saw the greatest number of wrecks in 2022:

  • US-17
  • Interstate 26
  • US-52
  • US-78
  • Interstate 526

Where dangerous roads intersect, the risk of a crash increases even more. These intersections were the site of a combined total of 621 crashes of all severity levels:

  • Interstate 26 at S-75
  • Interstate 26 at US-78
  • Interstate 26 at Interstate 526
  • Interstate 26 at R-1187
  • Interstate 26 at S-1342

These statistics do not mean you should avoid these locations altogether. Your travel plans may require you to take one or more of these roads. However, if you are traveling anywhere in or around Charleston and using Interstate 26, you should exercise caution.

Similarly, if you are driving on a U.S. highway or state highway, knowing that the majority of crashes in Charleston County happen on such roads should make you extra vigilant. 

Most Common Contributing Factors For Accidents

The following are five of the contributing factors law enforcement in Charleston County most frequently encounters when investigating car accidents:

  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Inattentiveness
  • Following other vehicles too closely
  • Driving too fast for the road conditions
  • Improper lane changes

One or more of these five factors were cited in a total of 27 fatal accidents and 113 crashes that resulted in serious injuries. 

Ways To Avoid A Car Accident In Charleston

Car accidents in Charleston are preventable events. The decisions you and other drivers make behind the wheel can make a collision more or less likely. Five ways you can do your part to reduce accidents and the injuries they cause include:

Slow Down

Driving at or below the speed limit reduces both the likelihood of a crash and the chances of severe injuries in the event an accident does occur. While you should not exceed the speed limit, be prepared to adjust your speed downward if the conditions so warrant. If the weather is bad or traffic is heavy, driving slower can give you extra time to react to danger.

Learn And Follow Right-Of-Way Laws

South Carolina’s right-of-way laws direct the flow of traffic at intersections. Because a significant number of crashes occur at these locations, knowing how to safely navigate through these locations is crucial. When every driver follows the same rules, it is easier to anticipate what another motorist will do and react accordingly. 

Put Away All Distractions, Not Just Cell Phones

Using your phone to text or surf the internet while driving is distracting and dangerous. However, it is also dangerous to eat, apply makeup, or try to adjust your car’s systems while your car is moving. When you are behind the wheel, devote your full attention to what is going on around you and to controlling your vehicle safely.

Do Not Drive While Impaired

Alcohol can impair your ability to drive even before your alcohol concentration reaches 0.08%. Similarly, certain legal prescription medications can impair your driving ability as much or worse than illegal drugs. If you feel impacted in the slightest by any substance, it is best for you to have someone else drive you.

Stay Calm

Driving is stressful, and the poor driving behaviors of others can be aggravating. Nonetheless, resist the urge to retaliate against unsafe drivers by tailgating them or engaging in other aggressive moves. “Road rage” might make you feel in control in the moment, but it jeopardizes not only your safety but the safety of other innocent drivers and their passengers.

Informed Drivers Are Safer Drivers

Knowing the risks you face when driving in Charleston is one of the first steps toward staying safe on the city’s roads. Like any other city, Charleston sees its share of injury and fatal crashes each year. However, many of these tragic wrecks are preventable, which means you can lower your risk by driving defensively and responsibly.