Are Uber Workers Independent Contractors?

Are Uber Workers Independent Contractors?

Currently, Uber workers are considered independent contractors. It is an important distinction for accident victims because it makes recovering compensation for damages more challenging. Why does it matter whether an Uber worker is an independent contractor? Let’s begin by defining independent contractors. What Is an Independent Contractor? An independent contractor is a self-employed individual who contracts with various companies or clients to perform specific services, […]

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Men Account for 75% of all Road Fatalities – Why?

Men Account for 75% of all Road Fatalities – Why?

Studies have shown certain risk factors make it more likely that a person will be involved in a highway traffic accident. A risk factor is a quality that increases the chance of a certain occurrence. For example, the use of tobacco products is a risk factor for lung cancer.  Risk factors fall into two general categories: environment-related factors and “human” factors. Human factors seem to […]

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