Odessa Road Safety Overview

Located in western Texas near the Texas-New Mexico border, the City of Odessa has a population of approximately 112,000 people. It is not the largest city in the Lone Star State, yet data from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) reveals that thousands of accidents happen every year in Odessa. Some of these accidents result in serious injuries or even death.
Understanding the risks faced by motorists, passengers, and others who use Odessa’s roads is essential to staying safe. While accidents can happen anywhere in Texas with little warning, knowing how frequently they occur in Odessa and the reasons why can help you take the right steps to protect your loved ones on the road.
Odessa Car Accident Statistics
According to TxDOT, approximately 2,954 motor vehicle crashes of all types happened in Odessa in 2022. That means that there were 8 collisions every single day. The vast majority of these crashes—2,173 of them—did not result in anything more than damage to property.
About 0.5% of Odessa car accidents resulted in at least one fatality. In 2022, 14 accidents were classified as fatal, and 15 people lost their lives in these accidents. This means that in any given crash, those involved have approximately a 1 in 200 chance of being killed.
A similar number of accidents were classified as serious injury crashes. These collisions resulted in at least one person sustaining injuries that were beyond minor or superficial. Such injuries could include traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), spine and neck damage, or internal organ damage. In fact, 35 accidents of this type resulted in serious injuries to 40 total people.
Additionally, 312 accidents led to minor injuries like bumps, bruises, and lacerations. The total number of people affected with these types of injuries in Odessa was 427. Minor injuries can heal and often do not result in any lasting harm to the person, but they can still be painful and cause temporary limitations in functioning.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Statistics in Odessa
Using data gathered from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), ValuePenguin ranked Odessa as being the worst city among those surveyed for pedestrian deaths. Specifically, it was found that there were six pedestrian fatalities, causing the city to have a pedestrian fatality rate of 4.12 pedestrian fatalities per 100,000 population.
This rate is notable because it is worse than the rates reported for places like Dallas, Midland, College Station, and Pearland.
The city did better when looking at statistics for bicyclist fatalities, where it ranked 16 out of 174 metropolitan areas. According to ValuePenguin, Odessa’s bicyclist fatality rate was 0.48 deaths per 100,000 population.
Common Causes of Car Wrecks in Odessa
The Texas Department of Transportation identifies speeding as the top contributing factor that leads to traffic accidents throughout the state. It can be tempting to exceed the speed limit, especially in western Texas, where traffic the distance between cities and towns is greater. However, the decision to speed comes with significant risks.
Drivers who speed reduce the amount of time they have to observe and react to dangers in the roadway. They must also exercise even greater caution when trying to control a speeding vehicle while turning or braking.
Additionally, the faster a car is traveling, the more distance it will need to stop. This requires a driver to recognize a danger further away than they would if they were traveling the speed limit.
Other driver actions that lead to motor vehicle accidents include:
Impaired Driving
A recent report using data from TxDOT found that Odessa had the highest number of fatalities and serious injury accidents caused by drunk drivers in all of Texas. In 2022, a total of 19 alcohol-impaired crashes resulted in at least one fatality, and 153 people were hurt.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs impairs your ability to make sound decisions during stressful driving situations. Beyond this, when you are under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or some other intoxicating substance, you do not perceive things accurately.
You cannot judge distance or speed as accurately as you can while sober, which can lead you to make poor decisions behind the wheel.
Failing To Yield the Right of Way
Right-of-way laws are crucial to preventing head-on and side-impact collisions at intersections and where one road merges into another. These laws must be followed even where there are no signs or traffic lights to remind drivers of them. When these laws are not followed, it can not only result in car collisions, but also potentially deadly pedestrian and bicyclist accidents.
One common scenario that leads to right-of-way crashes includes drivers turning left who do not yield to oncoming traffic. Another situation that arises frequently involves drivers who proceed through crosswalks without first checking to make sure there are no bicyclists or pedestrians trying to cross the street.
Distracted Driving
Drivers who attempt to multitask while operating a car or truck can find themselves distracted and unable to pay enough attention to their surroundings. They can miss other motorists who have stopped or are slowing down, traffic lights that have changed, or bicyclists and pedestrians in the roadway.
By the time these distracted drivers look up and realize what is going on, it may be too late to avoid a crash.
How To Travel Safely in Odessa
Larger cities may have greater numbers of car accidents than Odessa, but that does not mean that drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians can let their guard down. Accidents happen every day in the city, and while the majority may only result in property damage, at least two per month on average result in someone’s death.
Many of these accidents can be avoided when drivers avoid common errors by slowing down, putting away distractions, and obeying all traffic laws. If you do find yourself in a crash, contact an experienced Odessa car accident lawyer for help.